Have you ever wondered about what type of toilet paper you should use in your RV?
Have you heard that you can only use single ply RV toilet paper?
We did! And we wanted to find out more for ourselves.
Steps for a TPT
- Grab a canning jar with a lid
- Pour in one (1) cup of room temperature water
- Place one (1) sheet of TP in the canning jar with the water
- Tighten the lid and give the jar one (1) shake
- Let stand on the counter for one (1) hour
- Check the jar every few hours to see how the TP is braking down, there should be significant results within 12 hours
- Extra shaking of the jar isn’t required, your RV isn’t doing a lot of shaking unless you are traveling along a very curvy road
Expected results will vary. Some three (3) ply TP will break down faster the one (1) ply TP. Some RV brands of TP do not break down very well at all while others break down very quickly. Some TP brands that were originally ‘RV Friendly’ are no longer ‘RV Friendly’ due to the manufacture changing something in how it is manufactured.
We have found that ‘RV Friendly’ toilet paper is the best TP for the RV.
RV Toilet Paper Test (TPT) Results
We have tested multiple different brands of toilet paper. Below are some images of our own toilet paper tests. One brand of TP breaks down very well and is ‘RV Friendly’ compared to the other Non ‘RV Friendly’ brand.
RV Friendly TP
What makes a toilet paper ‘RV Friendly’?
In our experiences a ‘RV Friendly’ toilet paper will break down quickly (less than two days) without a lot of agitation (shake only once), it does not have a tendency to stick on the walls of the holding tank (after doing hundreds of demonstrations we noticed that some TP has a tendency to stick to the jar side walls), it has a comfortable feel for use, and it is safe for septic tank systems. Oh yes, it also has to be reasonably priced.
Toilet Paper Test Conclusion
There are many brands of toilet paper that can be called ‘RV Friendly’ that aren’t necessarily advertised as an RV toilet paper, and some TP that is advertised as RV toilet paper but does not pass our TPT. We encourage you to do your own test and select an appropriate brand that meets your needs and budget.
Another factor that should be considered is the tendency of the TP to stick to the side walls of the holding tank. After doing this demonstration many times we have found that some TP has a greater tendency to stick to the side walls which will cause your holding tank sensors to read incorrectly (Hint – fill the holding tank with water until full before flushing whenever possible or dump when more than 2/3 full).
The Sanidumps.com Team has been doing these TPT’s for many years at RV shows, seminars and rally’s, and it is amazing the number of RVers that are very interested in the results of the TPT.
Happy RVing!
Toilet Paper 1857
American Joseph Gayetty invented toilet paper in 1857. Gayetty first marketed toilet paper on December 8, 1857, which originally sold for US$0.50 in packs of 500 bearing a watermark of his name.
Update November 2012
I have now tested over thirty different brands of toilet paper and retested some brands that had tested before that now have a new and improved version of their previous toilet paper. I have also been demonstrating how to do the RV Friendly toilet paper test for many years at RV shows, rallies, and dealer events.
I now know that I can not trust the labeling on the toilet paper packaging. Why?
I’ve tested RV brands of toilet paper that do not break down with the RV Friendly test and that there are RV brands that do break down very well. There are brands of toilet paper that are label ‘safe for septic tanks’ and once again I have found brands that are RV Friendly while others that are not RV Friendly. There are brands that are not labeled as septic tank friendly or as a RV brand that do break down very well with the RV Friendly test. I have also found that the number of ply’s the toilet paper has nothing to do with the results, there are three-ply TP that break down better than one ply TP.
I’m left with the conclusion that you must test the toilet paper to see if it is RV Friendly as the labeling and number of ply’s has nothing to do with the results of a RV Friendly TP test.
John Clarke – Sanidumps.com Team
Update June 2013
While presenting RV seminars at a RV show, I met Jason and Nikki of Gone With the Wynns. Nikki asked if I had tested the Seventh Generation toilet paper? I have tested over thirty brands but Seventh Generation was not one of the brands tested.
I then contacted Seventh Generation and asked if they would supply some toilet paper for testing, the RV Friendly TP test. Sefton Hirsch with Customer Service promptly sent off some TP for testing.
I have now completed several tests (looking for repeat results) and have found that the Seventh Generation toilet paper does break down quickly and does not have tendency to stick on test jar walls. The TP is also reasonably priced when ordering in larger quantities. The fourth test, ‘your spouse should like it’, well that is a personal item which only your spouse can answer.
John Clarke – Sanidumps.com Team
Update March 2020
I have now tested about 40 different brands (over 14-year span) of TP. Some interesting findings are that some TP that has tested RV Friendly before no longer test RV friendly 🙁 so remember to retest your TP every year.
I’m also seeing more and more YouTube videos stating that you must use RV TP for your RV. Obviously they have never tested TP and have not seen this webpage.
I have tested different RV TPs that are RV Friendly and NOT RV Friendly, so a label stating it is RV TP has little value if it is OK for RV use.
John Clarke – Sanidumps.com Team