There is a beachfront RV park near Mazatlan that has a self-contained sewer system. They provide potable water and non-potable rinse water. The park is located on Hwy. 15, southbound, at KM 75 entrance. This entrance is the best option if you are heading south as it bypasses the town of Celestino and the three arroyos. It is also the shortest route from the highway, approximately 1 1/10 miles, to Celestino RV Resort. To reach the park, you will pass their sign at KM 78 and continue for another 3 KM. When you reach the next overpass, be prepared to slow down as the KM 75 entrance is about 600 meters from this bridge. Look for a large sign with a red post and the name Rosendo Neiblas, as this is the entrance to the small village and the RV park. Exit the toll road at this point, and the road will be