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Finding RV Dump Stations near Zip code 98266

The recreational vehicle dump stations that will be listed are approximately 20 miles (32 kms) from the Zip code selected 'as-the-crow-fly's' distance (direct, not by roadways, ignoring hills, mountains, waterways, ferries, etc.) and sorted by city name.

This is not a complete list of our dump stations/points, only those located near the Zip code selected with GPS coordinates.

** Locations listed may be available depending on the season **
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30 dump station(s) where fround near ZIP code 98266 which is located near Maple Falls, WA.

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Abbotsford, BC
Aloha Trailer Park & Campsite
Aloha Trailer Park & Campsite details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.057
• Longitude: -122.402
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Kathy McI.

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Abbotsford, BC
Fraserway RV
Fraserway RV details and map this location
• RV dump station reported CLOSED 2018-01-03; RV dump station is closed but you can ask them for free potable water; follow the sign from Fraserway RVs main entrance; there is plenty of parking available for large rigs between the main dealership and service buildings; conveniently located just two blocks off Hwy. #1, plus you can stock up on RV Parts and Accessories and browse through the RVs for sale
• Latitude: 49.053
• Longitude: -122.38
• Open year round; Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available; potable water available 100 feet ahead
user fee n/a
Dump Station is Not AvailablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Abbotsford, BC
Rest Area - Bradner Rest Area, Westbound
Rest Area - Bradner Rest Area, Westbound details and map this location
• easy access
• Latitude: 49.079
• Longitude: -122.433
• Open early May through mid October
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Rick N.

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Abbotsford, BC
Rest Area - Cole Road, Eastbound
Rest Area - Cole Road, Eastbound details and map this location
• great rest area; lots of parking; restroom facilities; park and play ground next door; 8 - 15 amp power stations in RV parking
• Latitude: 49.055
• Longitude: -122.179
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
Potable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Rick N.; Mel

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Abbotsford, BC
Rest Area - Cole Road, Westbound
Rest Area - Cole Road, Westbound details and map this location
• RV dump station reported CLOSED 2016-08-30; plugged and water hoses cracked and broken; RV sani dump; great rest area; lots of parking; restroom facilities; park and play ground next door
• Latitude: 49.055
• Longitude: -122.179
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
user fee n/a
Dump Station is Not AvailablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Mel

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Aldergrove, BC
Alderbrook RV Park
Alderbrook RV Park details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.053
• Longitude: -122.501
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Aldergrove, BC
Eagle Wind RV Park
Eagle Wind RV Park details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.095
• Longitude: -122.476
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Kerry S.

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Chilliwack, BC
Cottonwood Meadows RV Country Club
Cottonwood Meadows RV Country Club details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.144
• Longitude: -122
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
Cultus Lake Provincial Park
Cultus Lake Provincial Park details and map this location
• sani-station / dump is located on the roadway leading to the Maple Bay boat launch and is open only during the campsite operating season; bring loonies and toonies as payment machine does not take bills
• Latitude: 49.033
• Longitude: -122.002
• Open mid May through September
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
Heritage Park
Heritage Park details and map this location
• easy access; two sani dumps, near the fence South side; located across from Tourist Info Center; reported - on 3 occasions I tried to use the Sani dump @ Heritage Park in Chilliwack , only to have my payment declined, I checked with my credit Visa card issuer, they tell me that the swipe option is no longer available, & that is the only way their kiosk works, I had to call the city number provided & they had to come down to access the machine for me, could get really annoying for the city as well as the customer, kiosk machines are owned by Soda Snack Vending in Toronto, Ontario
• Latitude: 49.143
• Longitude: -122.002
• Open March through mid November
• rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
$10.00; credit card only
Dump Station should be availableRinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Cameron R.

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Chilliwack, BC
Husky Travel Centre
Husky Travel Centre details and map this location
• RV dump station reported CLOSED 2015-03-27; truck stop; easy access
• Latitude: 49.141
• Longitude: -121.959
• Open May through October
user fee n/a
Dump Station is Not AvailableNo Water AvailablePhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
OConnor RV Chilliwack
OConnor RV Chilliwack details and map this location
• RV dump station reported CLOSED 2020-07-22; RV dump offered as an RV convenience; the sani dump is very accessible from Yale Road and the drive around can accommodate motorhomes, fifth wheels and trailers; the parts store offers the opportunity to stock up or browse the new vehicle inventory
• Latitude: 49.145
• Longitude: -121.994
• Open year round; 24 hours
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
user fee n/a
Dump Station is Not AvailablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
Royalwood RV & Golf Resort
Royalwood RV & Golf Resort details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.125
• Longitude: -122.089
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
Vedder River Campground
Vedder River Campground details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.097
• Longitude: -122.007
• Open May through October; 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
For Registered Guests Only; $10.50
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available

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Chilliwack, BC
Yale Road Public RV Dump Station
Yale Road Public RV Dump Station details and map this location
• two dump stations; East of Evans Road roundabout beside 45140 Yale Road Contact Security
• Latitude: 49.145
• Longitude: -121.975
• Open March through October
• rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
$10.00; credit card only
Dump Station should be availableRinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Christine

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Cultus Lake, BC
Sunnyside Campground
Sunnyside Campground details and map this location
• Latitude: 49.06
• Longitude: -121.962
• Open April through September
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
Free for Registered Guests or unknown/fee for dump station use only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Mission, BC
Public RV Dump Station
Public RV Dump Station details and map this location
• easy turnaround at West end of dead end street; city of Mission welcomes overnighters and has some free parking spots a list of things to do in Mission BC will be posted at the sani-dump for your convenience, welcome to Mission; this location is very busy on Sundays and long weekends
• Latitude: 49.131
• Longitude: -122.315
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Grant S.

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Bellingham, WA
Bellingham RV Park
Bellingham RV Park details and map this location
• inquire in the office, manager will direct you to an empty RV site
• Latitude: 48.788
• Longitude: -122.52
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
Free for Registered Guests or $10.00 for dump station use only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Fred S.

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Bellingham, WA
Lake Samish Terrace Park
Lake Samish Terrace Park details and map this location
• RV dump station reported CLOSED 2020-07-27; the streets in this location are very narrow, and present a challenge for maneuvering an RV, even a small one
• Latitude: 48.674
• Longitude: -122.395
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
user fee n/a
Dump Station is Not AvailablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Jeff R.

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Bellingham, WA
Larrabee State Park
Larrabee State Park details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.654
• Longitude: -122.491
• Open year round
• water is available
Free for Registered Guests or $5.00 for dump station use only
Dump Station should be availableWater AvailablePhone Available

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Bellingham, WA
Yorkys Market Exxon Truck Stop
Yorkys Market Exxon Truck Stop details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.787
• Longitude: -122.519
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
$5.00 or Free with fuel fill up (30 gallons or more)
Potable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available
Some of this information has been provided courtesy of: Dave R.

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Deming, WA
Deming Log Show Grounds
Deming Log Show Grounds details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.848
• Longitude: -122.315
• Open year round
• water is available; water is off during freezing temperatures
user fee n/a
Dump Station should be availableWater AvailablePhone Available

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Lynden, WA
Berthusen City Park
Berthusen City Park details and map this location
• RV dump located on Left near park entrance
• Latitude: 48.962
• Longitude: -122.507
• Open March through October
Donation requested; $5.00 minimum
Dump Station should be availableNo Water Available

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Lynden, WA
Hidden Village RV Park & Campground
Hidden Village RV Park & Campground details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.897
• Longitude: -122.485
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water Available

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Lynden, WA
KOA - Lynden / Bellingham KOA Campground
KOA - Lynden / Bellingham KOA Campground details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.957
• Longitude: -122.421
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig FriendlyPhone Available

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When RVs have to go...™ visit Sanidumps.com

Printed: 2024-09-07 (25)

Lynden, WA
Northwest Washington Fairgrounds
Northwest Washington Fairgrounds details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.939
• Longitude: -122.473
• Open year round
• water is available
Dump Station should be availableWater AvailablePhone Available

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Lynden, WA
West Lynden Storage Condos
West Lynden Storage Condos details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.944
• Longitude: -122.503
• Open year round
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
• dump station is big rig friendly
For Registered Guests Only
Dump Station should be availablePotable and Rinse Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly

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Lynden, WA
Whatcom Farmers Co-op / Cenex
Whatcom Farmers Co-op / Cenex details and map this location
• very easy for large rigs to pull into
• Latitude: 48.946
• Longitude: -122.452
• Open year round
• dump station is big rig friendly
Dump Station should be availableNo Water AvailableBig Rig Friendly

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Maple Falls, WA
Silver Lake County Park
Silver Lake County Park details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.968
• Longitude: -122.076
• water is available
Free for Registered Guests or $5.00 for dump station use only
Water AvailablePhone Available

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Sumas, WA
Sumas RV Park & Campground
Sumas RV Park & Campground details and map this location
• Latitude: 48.988
• Longitude: -122.267
• potable and rinse water (non-potable) available
Free for Registered Guests or $5.00 for dump station use only
Potable and Rinse Water AvailablePhone Available

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Dump Station Types

The type of recreational vehicle dump stations you will find on Sanidumps.com include: private, public, RV park, non-park, municipal, truck stop, rest stop, campground, camping, resort, commercial, pay, donation, waste disposal, and free.

It is important to dispose of human waste properly when RVing. The RV dump station, dump point, or sanidump station you choose to empty your gray and black water holding tanks is up to you; we're hoping that you will choose an approved dump station site that's green and environmentally friendly, using an environmentally sound method.

Know Where To Dump Your Tanks

Do you need to know where to dump your holding tanks when your RV is on the road? Now you can know where the RV dump Stations are while traveling with a e-book. More information about the RV Dump Station location e-book.


Although efforts are made to make sure of the accuracy of the information presented, Sanidumps.com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained here.

Sanidumps.com is not affiliated in any way with any place/location listed on this site. Fees are subject to change; availability and prices can and do change.

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